How To Replace Car Batteries For Mazda Cars

Batteries are a necessary evil for any car. They provide the power to start your vehicle and run all of its electronics, but they only last so long before they need to be replaced. Replacing your Mazda car battery can be daunting if you don’t know what you’re doing, but it doesn’t have to be! Follow these easy steps to get your new battery installed in no time.

Open The Hood Of The Car

To open the hood, look for a latch on the engine compartment, which you can find near or underneath your car’s windshield wiper. Once you have located this latch and opened it, lift it on the hood to make room for your battery replacement process. If there are warning lights on your dashboard (such as a “Check Engine” lamp), be sure to check them before moving forward with replacing your car battery. Warning lights can indicate that something is wrong inside your car and should be addressed immediately by a professional mechanic.

If there are no warning lights present and no leaking fluids from under your vehicle, then proceed with removing the old battery from its housing using either an electrical socket wrench or an impact wrench—the latter being preferable because it allows you to more efficiently remove stubborn bolts without damaging them as much as would otherwise occur when using an electric tool like a socket wrench would do so.

Label Or Take A Picture Of The Battery Cables, So You Know How To Identify Them After They Are Removed

It’s important to know that you should label or take a picture of the battery cables so you know how to identify them after they are removed. If you don’t do this, it will be difficult for you to reconnect them later because there are many different types of wires and connectors available for charging batteries. You can label each wire with a permanent marker or take a picture with your phone so that when it comes time to connect the new battery, all the information is right there!

Remove The Positive Cable (Red) From Its End Post On The Battery

Now that you have a good idea of what to expect let’s begin! Remove the positive cable (red) from its end post on the battery. You may be able to do this without turning your car off, but if not, turn it off first. If you have an automatic transmission, it is recommended that you put it in neutral before removing any cables or wires, so you don’t accidentally send power through a circuit while working on your battery.

Remove The Negative Cable (Black) From Its End Post On The Battery

Find and remove the negative cable (black) from its end post on the battery as well by using pliers or gloves since it will be live; touch only with tools or rubber gloves when handling any electrical components of cars like batteries so you don’t shock yourself accidentally too hard which could cause bodily harm! As with all power tools, be careful when working on batteries—especially when they’re connected to other parts like cables!

Remove The Hold-Down Bolt On One Side Of The Battery Tray Using A 10 Mm Socket Wrench

Make sure the battery is connected to the car. Remove the hold-down bolt on one side of the battery tray using a 10 mm socket wrench.

Repeat Step 5 For All Bolts That Hold Down The Other Side Of The Battery Tray

Once all four bolts are removed, you can pull out the tray. The battery may be tightly wedged in place, so you might need to use a pry bar or other tool to remove it.

You may have to remove some plastic pieces above and around the battery before you can remove them from its tray. If this is the case, don’t worry about damaging them; just lay them aside until you’re ready to put everything back together again.

Lift the old battery using your hands or gently pry it out with a flathead screwdriver wrapped in tape.

Put on a pair of gloves and use your hands to lift out the old battery from your car. If that doesn’t work, try gently prying it out with a flathead screwdriver wrapped in tape.

Place The New Battery Into Position By Reversing Steps 5 And 6

Place the new battery into position by reversing steps 5 and 6. Reconnect the cables to their terminals, making sure that they are properly aligned. Start your car to check for errors. If there are any, go back and check all connections again until everything is in place and secure. If everything checks out, congratulations—you’re on your way!


It’s a good idea to replace your car battery at least once every four years. This will help ensure that you get the most out of your investment and keep your vehicle running smoothly. If you need help replacing your Mazda’s battery or have any questions about the process, be sure to contact us today!